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Recommended digital companion for this set:

   Digital Geobasics Study Guide

Geobasics Front Cover.jpg

Geobasics Set

The Geobasics Printed Set includes the book, Geobasics in the Land of the Bible: Maps for Marking and the new Gateway product, Bible In Its Land: The Land Between Concept.


Geobasics in the Land of the Bible contains eleven detailed and dramatic maps of the Land of the Bible, each map is 11x17 inches or 29x43 cm spread across two pages.


pp 2-3 \\ Rocks, soils, features and sites in the Northern Arena

pp 4-5 \\ Rocks, soils, features and sites in the Central Arena

pp 6-7 \\ Rocks, soils, features and sites in the Southern Arena

pp 8-9 \\ Lebanon Ranges, Beqaa and Damacus

pp 10-11 \\ Galilee, Golan, Jezreel and Lower Gilead

pp 12-13 \\ Rocks and Soils—From Baalbek to Petra

pp 14-15 \\ Lake Galilee and the Galilean Depression

pp 16-17 \\ Sharon, Samaria, Ephraim and Upper Gilead

pp 18-19 \\ Philistia, Judah, the Rift and Moab

pp 20-21 \\ Judah's Shephelah, Hills and Wilderness

pp 22-23 \\ Negev, Southern Highlands and Edom

pp 24-25 provide a short study in Rocks, Force, Water, Soils and Man


Geobasics printed book

2-3 NA Rocks&Soils
4-5 CA Rocks&Soils
6-7 SA Rocks&Soils
8-9 Lebanon,Beqaa,Damascus
10-11 Galilee,Golan,Jezreel,LowerGilead.
12-13 Rocks&Soils,BaalbekToPetra
14-15 LakeGalilee&GalileanDepression
16-17 Sharon,Samaria,Ephraim,UpperGilead
18-19 Philistia,Judah,Rift,Moab
20-21 Judah_Shephelah,Hills,Wilderness
22-23 Negev,SouthernHighlands,Edom
24-25 Rocks,Force,Water,Soils&Man

'Gateway'—The Land Between Concept

Land Between Inside.png

The Geobasics Study Guide is a 201-page digital book for use with Geobasics.

Note: The digital book must be purchased separately.

Thorough discussions lead the user through the book of maps and across the land region by region. For each region the Geobasics Study Guide provides marking exercises on the relevant maps and follows this hands-on task with short geobasic statements that are readily observable from the user's work with the maps. It then expands these statements by means of a full discussion and concludes each region with a list of texts, Biblical and historical, that describe the essence of the region.

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