Geobasics in the Land of the Bible
Great as a stand alone map book or with companion guide
Best value with package, "Learn the Land of the Bible through Maps"
Updated and expanded with new color graphics 12/28/2023
What are geobasics? Physical factors behind the Bible's story
Rocks, soils, water, terrain, roads: Aspects affecting life issues
Regional personalities: Not a 'flat land' but vibrant with variety
Biblical nuances: See the land like those who lived in it
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The Concept
Why study Geobasics in the Land
of the Bible?
In the modern world we seldom think about the effects of rocks, terrain and soils on our lives, but the ancient world lived with such details as they determined building materials, water storage, security, agriculture, trade and much more.
The land’s physical aspects emerge repeatedly across the Bible's pages
It is not a ‘flat land’ but a vibrant, living land with great regional diversity
A unique study that places texts of the Bible on the physical, living land
The Book
What is Geobasics in the Land
of the Bible?
This is a book of maps to help you enjoy regional diversity in the Land of the Bible. Colors and patterns on the maps mark out the various rocks and soils that dictate regional personalities in the land. Learn to view the land as one who lived in it.
A book of full color maps for marking, both the full land and closer views
Marking general maps and closer views makes the book and land spring to life
It explains the significance of rocks and soils, the building blocks of life
The Guide
Why does Geobasics in the Land
of the Bible need a guide?
The guide for Geobasics leads its user through the book of maps and across the land, region by region. You will learn to read the Bible with geographical awareness of regional distinctions and to grasp subtle nuances that both writer and original audience knew.
The Geobasics Study Guide is a textbook over 200 pages with instructions for the Geobasics book.
It contains interactive map marking, discussions and illustrative texts
Fresh translations restore original meaning and reinforce regional personalities
Getting a firm hold on the actual land of the Bible is what this study is designed to do. Like no other study it details the physical land itself as it was in biblical times—its well-watered, fertile north, its arid south and transitional zones between the two. This is the land that the herdsman Abraham knew, that echoes throughout the songs of the psalmist and that Jesus of Nazareth trod. It is a highly effective study, with concise geobasic statements and texts, which recapture subtle nuances of Scripture that people in the Bible knew well.